Jean Monnet Module “EU Strategic Communications: Counteraction to Distructive Influences”

The aim of the project is to deliver advanced and critical knowledge about the process of elaboration and implementation of the EU strategic communications to create and promote a positive perception of the Union its foreign and security policy, refute destabilizing messages and counteract external destructive influences. This Module is planned to consider such topics as EU approaches to strategic communications, public diplomacy and the EU soft power, EU values promotion and counteraction to extremism, EU public sphere and relations with mass media, media literacy, strategic communications to support cooperation with the NATO and the Eastern Partnership states; the EU practice of counteraction to hybrid threats and to information and psychological influences; analysis of the RF/ISIL propaganda narratives; refuting disinformation, fakes, leaks; exposing bots, agents of influence; EU fight against information/cyber terrorism; EU cyber security legislation and practice etc.

Project website: СТРАТЕГІЧНІ КОМУНІКАЦІЇ ЄС: ПРОТИДІЯ ДЕСТРУКТИВНИМ ВПЛИВАМ (ERASMUS+ JEAN MONNET MODULE) – Jean Monnet Module, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University Lutsk (