About Project

Project title: Youth School for Social Media Safety Leaders (YSSMSL)

Project objective: comprehensive safe shaping project behavior in adolescents aged 19-24 in the use of social media. The main activity in the project is the implementation of workshops with young people in Europe on network security. 

As part of the project’s activities, the youth will develop graphic posts, short films, animations, presentations, cards work which will be shared through Instagram, FB and other social media networks. Actions undertaken within the framework of the project will take place
under the supervision of lecturers and practitioners from fields of psychology, pedagogy with the use of new multimedia. 

Detailed objectives:

– education of young people (about 50 people) in the field of safe media use in the period from 01/06/2019 to 31/10/2020,

– learning about the possibility of eliminating threats resulting from improper media use in the period from 01/06/2019 to 31/10/2020 social networking,

– shaping attitudes for young people from Poland, Ukraine and Turkey, making good decisions related to time and choosing content in social media,

– informing young people about the possibilities of support from organizations dealing with combating illegal content on the Internet (on an ongoing basis).

Two results will be worked out: 

1. Multimedia materials for young people to share in online social networks security dot.

2. Online safety guide available on the web. For the youth, the world in social media is equal to the real world. Implementation of the project within the framework of cooperation international cooperation will allow the synergy of diversity of each participating country to be exploited in the area of raising competences. Safe use of the network and social media, from using good practices in this area. The project assumes working out results on universal character. The involvement of international partners will allow for the development products that can be used and will be used in partner countries. The developed project’s products will constitute innovative solutions for young people and people working with youth in non-formal and informal education.