Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence: “Volyn Centre for European Studies: Green and Secure Neighbourhood” (VCES)

The Project includes four kinds of activities (teaching, research, events and didactic deliverables) however teaching activities are the core of the Proposal. Four EU-study blended (online and offline) courses will be taught every year for the wide audience, eighteen online or blended trainings, an international conference, a few press-conferences and presentations organized. Trainings for educators, entrepreneurs, high schoolers, legal experts, public administrators and researchers will be of the same main topic “EU and Ukraine” but with a specific thematic session for each of the target groups. The trainings will be piloted during the first year of the Project and repeated in the rest two years. The non-teaching activities include creation of the VCES’s website, publishing the books “Green and Secure European Union” and “Doing Sustainable Business in Europe”, a leaflet of the Project activities, a brochure “International and European Studies at the Lesya Ukrainka VNU”, international conference proceedings and 10 articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals within the lifetime of the Project. They are mostly designed to be complementary to teaching activities. A final conference will be held during the last year of the project. Thematically the Project activities are multidisciplinary with emphasis on the EU-Ukraine neighbourhood, security and Green Deal issues. The VCES is intended to reach out to the wide Ukrainian public and spread knowledge about the EU and the EU-Ukrainian relations to the society. Besides 850 directly trained participants hundreds of other people will be impacted via international conference, mass-media activities, distribution of promo-materials, web-site and social networking activity.

Please find more on the project website: and the official page on Facebook